National Parks
Conservation Association
Major Campaign
Graphis New Talent 2023 Gold
National Parks Conservation Association is a non-profit organization that funds national park employees, safety, and regulations to protect America’s beauty. By hosting volunteer events, advocating nature’s rights, and collecting donations the NPCA is successful. A solid logo impacts the security of the NPCA. The bear symbolizes strength and Yellowstone National Park, the non-profit's first protected park. The ear is the protection of the sky and the use of solar power. The mountain protects the land. The dots combine the protection of water and the connection between community relations.
The Opportunity
The NPCA has an opportunity to grow with multiple generations. By developing an achievement award program using patches, they're collectibles and a heroic symbol for children and adults. This program draws in more care and support to the NPCA for all national parks. Keeping playful motifs, an easily accessible website, and adventure appeal to fresh minds and existing loyal members.
Achievement Patches
People can earn patches for accomplishing different tasks to create excitement and entice more care to the parks. Using elements of the logo enhances the various awards available to achieve. One example is, if you climb the highest mountain at the park, you get the mountain patch. You can also earn patches by sending in donations. An example is if you donate $10 you earn the sun patch.
Park Signage
Prominent signage displaying the NPCA protects the park. Lively trail sign enforces rules while on the paths. The playful dot motif entices younger children to follow directions.
Security by NPCA
The NPCA funds park rangers and employees to enforce regulations and safety. Power of the logo is used to establish high ground in enforcement.
Desktop Home Page
Ui creates a story of what the NPCA accomplishes. through easy navigation and readability. The dot motif playfully entices the user to scroll down. Bright orange button calls to action for donating.